Settlement of Earl

Charles H. Sutphen and John B. Dow settled in this area in 1834. Sutphen purchased 1,000 acres which would eventually include the town of Earl (later, Earlville). In 1839 he soldl off acreage to S.T. Stilson who developed a village in the area that we know as Sutphen’s Run on Ottawa St. north of Rt. 34. When the Railroad came through in 1853 the town was relocated to the area next to the tracks as we know today. Earlville became incorporated on May 16th, 1863, the date that is considered our birthday.


If you lived in town prior to 1985 you will remember the fire whistle that would blow in order to summons the firemen to the station.  In addition to that important job, the whistle was also blown regularly at 7am. 12 noon, 1pm, 6pm and 9pm.  As kids, many of us depended on that whistle to inform us when to report home for lunch and dinner, and to leave our friend’s house and get home at night.  The whistle was removed in 1985 and has been stored in Bob Goodbred’s shed ever since.  It came home to the Museum this week.


So many more interesting items have been added to our Agricultural display!  Many of you will remember it as Charlie Biehl’s woodworking shop.  A new roof and new floor were installed creating a space that can now be used as a display area.  It’s a perfect space to feature our Agriculture display including items used on the farms long ago, the grain elevators, hemp mill, blacksmithing, livery stables, dairies, trucking and more.


Over the past year(s) we have compiling information on Earlville houses, businesses and families.  If you are doing a genealogical search or just looking for interesting facts about these subjects, please stop in and let us show you.  We have enlarged maps and photos of the downtown areas and could really use your help in making this resource more complete.  We’re looking for copies of family trees, obituaries, information about your business or a business that your parent, grandparent may have had.  Please stop in!  We know you won’t be sorry!