DVD’s & CD’s Available
DVDs/CDs Available for Viewing – Copies can be purchased for $10 each plus shipping.
Contact ECHS here for more information.
1 Dyas, Charles; Fischer, Dr. O.H.; Kaleel, Nemer; Gould, George (Part 1)
2 Dyas, Charles; Fischer, Dr. O.H.; Kaleel, Nemer; Gould, George (Part 2)
3 Dyas, Charles; Fischer, Dr. O.H.; Kaleel, Nemer; Gould, George (Part 3)
4 Dyas, Charles and Ron
5 Strong, Robert; Cox, Robert; Johnson, Margaret (Part 1)
6 Strong, Robert; Cox, Robert; Johnson, Margaret (Part 1)
7 Rowe, Jim; Zimmerman, T.O.; Cook, Herbert (Part 1)
8 Rowe, Jim; Zimmerman, T.O.; Cook, Herbert (Part 2)
9 Dyas, Charles – Memorial
10 Earlville Mens Business Assoc. Promotional Film (1985)
11 Earlville 125th Celebration (Part 1)
12 Earlville 125th Celebration (Part 2)
13 Cemetery Walk Video (2013) – Precinct Cemetery
14 Glass Negatives from Koos Photography (turn of the century)
14a Glass Negative found in local home
15 Carter, Bruce and Laverle
16 Steinke, Gene
17 Jornlin, Bob – LST Story (Part 1)
18 Jornlin, Bob – LST Story (Part 2)
19 Jornlin, Bob – LST Story (Part 3)
20 Lake, Dean – Farm bureau Video (Pre and Post War farming on Lake farm)
21 Bauer, Shirley
22 Harris, Keith – remembrances of WWII bombing raids, etc (DVD)
23 Harris, Keith – remembrances of WWII bombing raids, etc (CD)
24 Harris, Mararetta (Margie)
25 Schrecengost, Gene
26 Stockley, Ken
27 Johnson, Margaret (1980); Wolfe, Mary
28 Orphan Train Presentation (2015)
29 Shabbona Park Monument Rededication (2015)
30 Kolzow, Dave – Hellgate to Portland (driving 1905 Olds coast to coast)
31 ECHS Art Show (2016)
32 Wolf, Gary
33 Wolf, Gary (WGLC interview)
34 Cemetery Walk (2007) –Precinct Cemetery – still photos
35 Bub and His Boys Presentation – Ernie Basler
36 Bert Halsey (Bert’s Meat Processing Plant)
37 Cemetery Walk (2017) – St. Theresa’s Cemetery
Updated 9/2018